Our Location in Hampton

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Our Address

  • 990 Bear Creek Blvd
  • Hampton, GA 30228

Contact Information

  • Monday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday**: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

*The office is closed from 12:00pm to 1:00pm for lunch.
**The office is closed from 1:00pm to 2:00pm for lunch.

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Our Blogs

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity

Eye Health and Diseases

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity If you wear glasses, you might notice the difference between lenses that have an anti-reflective coating from those that don’t. Anti-reflective coating, or non-glare lenses not only improve your vision but help reduce eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more […]

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Aug 1, 2021
Advanced Family Eyecare

The Dangers of UV Rays

Eye Health and Diseases

It’s always fun to go out in the sun, but sometimes, the sun can cause more harm than good. Many people are aware of the damage the sun can cause on the skin but don’t know about the impact on our eyes. Without proper protection, […]

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Jul 1, 2021
Advanced Family Eyecare

Photochromic Lenses: Adaptive Protection For Your Eyes

Eye Health and Diseases

Do you enjoy heading outdoors, but find changing from clear lenses to sunwear a hassle? It’s essential to protect your eyes both indoors and out, and we understand this hassle may hinder your eye protection in some cases. However, thanks to photochromic lenses, this doesn’t […]

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Jun 1, 2021
Advanced Family Eyecare
Non Glare Lenses Are a Necessity

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity If you wear glasses, you might notice the difference between lenses that have an anti-reflective coating from those that don’t. Anti-reflective coating, or non-glare lenses not only improve your vision but help reduce eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more […]

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The Dangers of UV Rays

It’s always fun to go out in the sun, but sometimes, the sun can cause more harm than good. Many people are aware of the damage the sun can cause on the skin but don’t know about the impact on our eyes. Without proper protection, […]

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Do you enjoy heading outdoors, but find changing from clear lenses to sunwear a hassle? It’s essential to protect your eyes both indoors and out, and we understand this hassle may hinder your eye protection in some cases. However, thanks to photochromic lenses, this doesn’t […]

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